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Daily Activity 11 April 2019 (English Version)

Hello Guys, welcome to my blog. I'm gonna share to you about my activity today. And today we must do the big general cleaning, all the kitchen utensils and equipments should be cleaned, my class and the others Class must do this today. I arrived in the kitchen at 06:00 am and i wait until the supervisor comes and absent our class one by one. Then we do the oneline in the kitchen and the supervisor ask us about the progress of our preparation yesterday. My team, dessert team. Our preparation are done and the num chak kachan are ready to serve.

After the oneline, we continue our works. My team are thinking about the plating of num chak kachan. And i got some idea about making caramel as a garnish. Then bobby quickly take the sauce pan, sugar and wooden spatula. And we start make the caramel. Heat the pan and add the sugar then wait until the sugar melted and the color turn into brown, i mean clear brown. After that, we try to create the texture. Well it's pretty hard and you must do it quickly before the caramel got hard again. And this is the result of our plating.

After that we wait until the others team finish their dishes and than we explain the dishes to Chef Ichal. Then we break for lunch and do the big general cleaning. We finish the general cleaning at 03:00 pm then my friends whos muslim go to pray at the mosque. And we wait until the lecture let us go home.


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